Postée il y a 2 jours
Chez Nexans, notre vision globale est d'électrifier le futur. Au sein de notre branche "Distribution & Usages", cela signifie fournir des systèmes de câblage fiables et des solutions énergétiques intelligentes, notamment des accessoires d'énergie, afin de rendre les bâtiments et les réseaux électriques plus efficaces, plus humains et plus durables.
Nexans reconnaît les différences qui rendent chaque salarié précieux et unique. La diversité est la clé de la performance et de notre ambition globale de conduire le monde dans la transition énergétique vers une planète durable. Nous le savons par expérience. Toutes les différences sont appréciées et respectées chez Nexans. En conséquence, vous serez un acteur clé d'une organisation multinationale où nous cultivons la culture commune du partage. C'est pourquoi nous encourageons la diversité dans nos recrutements - Apportez la vôtre à Nexans, elle est la bienvenue !
Job Description - Jan 2025
Position : Quality Manager Europe
- Function : Quality Manager Europe
- Country : European
- Location : Preference Lyon or Paris but can BE on a Nexans Site
- Supervisor : Industrial VP Europe
- Direct reporting to IVP
- Dotted line to Group Quality Director
- Implementation of a transversal initiative to improve product quality and decrease CONQ on Europe perimeter
- Drive transversal initiatives that will BE defined and deployed at group and region level to improve quality performance on his perimeter
- Bring direct support to the production units in coordination with BU industrial managers though training and coaching
- Ensure the detection, the promotion and the deployment of the best practices to accelerate the improvement
Areas of responsibility
- Define and organize Quality performance monitoring in term on customer satisfaction and internal defect rates.
- Define and propose yearly roadmap in order to improve the overall quality performance based on performance analysis
- Contribute to the definition of group standards and initiatives and deploy IT on his perimeter
- Follow up the realization of 8D analysis on all major complains and bring support to the site if necessary on the most complex cases
- Supervise the deployment of Minimum To Operate rules and update them based on the results of 8D analysis on major complains
- Drive the implementation of transversal initiatives in cooperation with the business units to improve quality performance
- Define and deploy training programs on methodologies, tools and standards. Contribute to the definition and deployment of Group training initiatives.
- Bring direct support to production units in case of major issue or strong deviation in performances : data analysis, problem solving, roadmap definition
- Identify best practices during sites visits or problem solving exercises that can BE deployed and become at the end a standard for the region or the group
- Animate the quality community of BU representatives and site safety leaders in order to promote best practice transfer.
Key Interfaces
- Key interfaces :
- Group Quality Director
- Europe IVP and industrial team
- Business Units Industrial managers and quality leaders
- Plant managers and quality managers
- Europe and BU Purchasing teams
Expected results
- Reduction of customer complaints, especially major ones
- Reduction of Cost of Non Quality at BU and region level
- Improvement of engagement of operators in the resolution of quality issues
- Improvement of quality culture at all levels in the organization
Position sizing (A few key indicators of the position such as : Turnover, Budget, Sales volume, No of N-1 etc.)
- Perimeter = 21 plants in Europe in 5 Business Units. Turnover = 2,0 Md €.
- Close cooperation with Accessories units i.e. 5 plants
- Involvement on group initiatives with other region representatives
Requested Competencies and Qualification
- General Education : Engineer or equivalent
- Experience : Min 5-10 years' experience in quality position including operational position in production units and transversal positions
- Expertise in quality methodologies : 5S, 8D analysis, problem solving tools, FMEA
- Practical experience of Industrial Excellence, structured & systematic way
- Project change Management : teamwork, leadership and take responsibility
- Ability to work in transversal environment
- Fluent (in writing and speaking) in English/French/Italian language
Nos salariés partagent les mêmes valeurs : nous sommes des pionniers de la transition énergétique, déterminés à respecter les normes de performance les plus élevées et unis pour atteindre notre objectif ambitieux.
A l'échelle individuelle, notre culture de croissance est fondée sur la confiance et la collaboration. Nous souhaitons vous intégrer comme un membre précieux de notre équipe. Afin de favoriser votre intégration, nous croyons en l'autonomie, tout en encourageant le partage des connaissances au sein de notre organisation.
Si ce poste n'est pas fait pour vous, mais que vous avez un/e ami/e qui pourrait être intéressé/e, n'hésitez pas à lui transférer cette offre d'emploi !