Postée il y a 129 jours
Reporting to Billing Project Manager France, you are in charge to:
- Implement new partners on our electronic data interchange (EDI, API XML...) streams and optimize the service for existing partners
- Support the group's electronic data interchange streams, resolve incidents, and find solutions for optimizations
- Support evolutions and enhancements, and coordinate with the Team, Sales & Partners/Clients
- Identification, evaluation, and implementation of customer needs in our EDI software,
- Development of mappings (matching and parameterization of fields from multiple databases) and script writing,
- Maintenance of relationships with all project stakeholders,
- Validation testing,
- Management and adherence to production schedule,
- Customer satisfaction,
- Reporting to your supervisor.
Previous experience
- Ability to work effectively with technical teams
- Experience in an International environment
- Client management experience
- Ease with electronic data interchange streams, e-invoicing
Education level / certificates:
- Coming from a higher education background in computer science (computer and network, management computing), you have a successful first experience (between 2 and 5 years) in IT support, business software configuration, and solution deployment.
Europcar Mobility Group est un acteur majeur des marchés de la mobilité.
L'objectif d'Europcar Mobility Group est d'offrir des alternatives attractives à la possession d'un véhicule, de manière responsable et durable. Dans cette optique, le Groupe propose une large gamme de services de location de voitures et d'utilitaires - que ce soit pour quelques heures, quelques jours, une semaine, un mois ou plus - avec une flotte déjà " C02 light ", équipée des dernières motorisations, et qui sera de plus en plus " verte " dans les années à venir.
La satisfaction des clients est au cœur de l'ambition du Groupe et de celle de ses collaborateurs. Elle alimente également le développement continu de nouvelles offres dans les trois lignes de services du Groupe - Professionnel, Loisirs et Proximité - qui répondent aux besoins et cas d'usage spécifiques des entreprises et des particuliers.
Les grandes marques du Groupe sont : Europcar®, le leader européen de la location de voitures et de véhicules utilitaires légers, Goldcar®, le leader de la location de voitures à bas prix en Europe, Ubeeqo®, l'un des leaders européens de l'auto-partage (BtoB, BtoC).
Europcar Mobility Group fournit ses solutions de mobilité dans le monde entier grâce à un réseau étendu dans plus de 140 pays (y compris des filiales en propriété exclusive - 18 en Europe, 1 aux États-Unis, 2 en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande - complétées par des franchises et des partenaires).
Plus d’informations sur:
About Europcar Mobility Group
Europcar Mobility Group is a major player in mobility markets.
Its purpose is to offer attractive alternatives to vehicle ownership, in a responsible and sustainable manner. With this in mind, the Group offers a wide range of car and van rental services – be it for a few hours, a few days, a week, a month or more – with a fleet that is already "C02 light", equipped with the latest engines, and which will be increasingly "green" in the years to come (more than 1/3 electric and hybrid vehicles by 2023).
Customers’ satisfaction is at the heart of the Group’s ambition and that of its employees. It also fuels the ongoing development of new offerings in the Group's three service lines - Professional, Leisure and Proximity - which respond to the specific needs and use cases of both businesses and individuals.
The Group’s major brands are:
- Europcar® - he European leader of car rental and light commercial vehicle rental,
- Goldcar® - the low-cost car rental Leader in Europe,
- Ubeeqo® – one of the European leaders of round-trip car-sharing (BtoB, BtoC).
Its mobility solutions worldwide through an extensive network in over 140 countries (including wholly owned subsidiaries – 18 in Europe, 1 in the USA, 2 in Australia and New Zealand – completed by franchises and partners).
Further details available at: